It's Not Too Late to Get the Flu Vaccine

From the pneumonia and shingles vaccines to HPV and COVID-19 vaccines, the knowledgeable team at Hawthorne Pharmacy has years of experience administering vaccines safely and effectively to residents in our community. One of the more common yearly vaccines we offer is the influenza (flu) vaccine.

Although flu season starts in early fall and typically peaks in the winter months of January and February, it’s almost never too late to get the flu vaccine, as the virus is highly contagious and can linger until May. It’s more prevalent in the colder, drier months because the airborne virus survives better in those conditions. Not to mention, people are inside more often when the temperature drops and, therefore, are more likely to come into close contact with others who may be infected.

While it’s ideal to get the flu vaccine by late October, protection from the vaccine takes only two weeks upon receiving the shot, so scheduling the vaccine now at Hawthorne Pharmacy can still help protect you and those around you for months, including throughout the peak flu season.

The benefits of the flu vaccine are well documented. Not surprisingly, the CDC—and all of us here at Hawthorne—recommends that all people over the age of six months receive the flu vaccine.

In addition to preventing illness, the vaccine can help adults and children avoid severe complications associated with the flu. Moreover, the vaccine can reduce the need to visit a doctor by 40-60%. And though that figure depends on the similarities between the vaccine and the circulating virus, the flu vaccine still offers benefits, including protection against other strains, when it doesn’t match as well as intended. Plus, the side effects are generally mild. So, it’s not just a smart thing to do, but it’s safe, as well.

There are many ways to cover the cost, too. For one, most insurance providers cover the entire cost of the flu vaccine, and some employers even offer vouchers for the flu shot to their employees. Not to mention, if you qualify as a low-income individual, some nonprofit organizations may offer vouchers to cover all or most of your out-of-pocket expense. If you have any questions about the cost of the flu vaccine, please don't hesitate to contact us.

The flu vaccine is now available at all Hawthorne locations. Simply contact our friendly professionals to schedule yours today—we gladly accept walk-ins too! And, if you want to save time, remember to download and complete our Immunization Consent Form to bring with you on the day of your vaccine.

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